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SDR News 4188 posts 0 comments
Project 25 Digital Radios (law Enforcement Grade) Vulnerable To The IM-ME
Would you believe that you can track and even jam law enforcement radio communications using a pretty pink pager? It turns out that digital radio stations use the APCO-25 protocol can be silenced using IM-ME hardware.!-->…
Multiband military communications challenges overcome by software-defined radio
October 03, 2014…
SDR As A Police And Fire Radio Scanner
If you've lost interest in that DVB dongle you bought to try software-defined radio, you should ditch it. just completed a guide to how to use SDR to listen to police and fire radio tapes.
The project, which results in!-->…
Russian Comms in Ukraine: A World of Hertz
The use of civilian communications by Russian maneuver units raises an interesting possibility. US sources expressed astonishment after the invasion that Russian EW had not been more intensively used. Again, definitive answers as to why…
Pager Message Sniffing With RPi And SDR
The 1990s have called, they want you to use modern technology to listen to your friends' pager messages. Seriously, how many people still use pagers these days? We guess you can find out by building your own A!-->…
Military radio & networking market to embrace commercial tech
09 January 2015…