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With her senior design project, electrical engineering student (and part-time violinist) Tyler Ikehara ’22 hopes to bring radio astronomy skills to Santa Clara University.

With her senior design project, electrical engineering student (and sometimes violinist) Tyler Ikehara ’22 hopes to bring radio astronomy skills to Santa Clara University.

Life is about to change for Tyler Ikehara ’22, in a really exciting way. For three months, the senior has been packing his apartment in Santa Clara and is moving across the country to begin his Ph.D. program at New York University.

On top of living in one of the world’s largest cities, Ikehara will conduct cutting-edge research under NYU Wireless professor and director Thomas Marzetta, who originated Massive MIMO, one of the pillars of 5g technology.

“With it, I will study physics-based innovations that could potentially make for the next generation of wireless technology,” says Ikehara. “The program is great, but the lab looked very similar to what it is in Santa Clara. Everyone is trying to look after each other. I just feel a lot of energy, both from the students and from the city.”

Ikehara has already accomplished a lot in Santa Clara, but before he leaves, he has one last thing to do. For her senior design project, Ikehara is working with a group of students to create a radio telescope that will allow students to study the movements of celestial bodies. The project is in its final stages, but if successful, Ikehara hopes to pass it on to future students to improve its framework and do research that was not previously available in SCU.

Recently, Ikehara started talking about his senior project and other research opportunities he had at the university.

When most people think of a telescope, they think of looking at stars or beautiful pictures of space. But a radio telescope is a little different. For those of you who don’t know, what is a radio telescope? If you look at some of the famous telescopes, like the James Webb telescope, they are mostly for optical images. A radio telescope is not really trying to take a picture. Instead, it looks at the sky and picks up the electromagnetic wave associated with celestial bodies and then uses Software Defined Radio (SDR) to process it so it can know where those bodies are in the galaxy, even if the signal is very weak. For example, our telescope is a horn antenna that searches for the known frequency of 1420 MHz, which is produced by hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms are associated with certain celestial bodies, so if we detect a signal at that frequency, we can determine the celestial bodies and their movements relative to us.

We set it up so that it can be a multi-stage project. The next year, another team can use our framework and do better. For example, we use the horn antenna because it is relatively simple to build, but it does not always give the exact results you want. The next step could be redesigning the antenna and using a more direct satellite dish or a horn that can be moved.

How was she involved in research outside of Santa Clara’s classroom? My sophomore year took an electromagnetic course with assistant professor Kurt Schab, which is really fantastic. He mentioned a project he was working on and it really intrigued me, so I asked him if he could join his research group. My first project was on the summer of my sophomore year and I focused on Software Defined Radio, which is basically a reprogrammable antenna and a radio device. Instead of having to swap hardware to fit a certain application, you can reprogram the SDR for the software. It is more flexible in this regard and can be used for many things – AM / FM radio, GPS, birdwatching and various other radio applications. For this project, I spent a lot of time reading about Software Defined Radios and managed to get a bit of hardware – a small USB-dongle SDR, basically – to play. I tried working with AM / FM radio and also tried working with ADSB to follow the plans. We meet with other students and Dr. Schab each week to discuss what we have learned. I spent most of the summer before scrambling for a bit to work on another project, but I went back to that and used my research to inform my senior design project.

You also did some research with the United States Navy. How did you participate in this? It was part of an internship with the Navy chain called the Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (NIWC Pacific). I got really involved with this, again, through Dr. Schab. because he was also involved with the research. We tested the High Frequency antennas to see if we could improve their efficiency and bandwidth beyond the basic limits. We used a technique called Direct Antenna Modulation (DAM) to increase bandwidth. The stage was remote because of COVID, but we did a lot of simulations and we also had to do a few practical things here in Santa Clara. We worked in tandem with a Ph.D. students at the University of Oklahoma and were responsible for developing an experimental procedure for him to try in Oklahoma. I also learned a process called SCPI, which I am excited to use again.

What is SCPI? SCPI stands for Standard Commands for Programable Instruments. At the bottom, enter the code that changes the target settings and saves the target data to your computer. Instead of having to change the buttons every time and press the save button, I can change a line in code and run experiments automatically. It was really satisfying for me because I combined the coding knowledge I learned as well as some skills from the more industrial side for practical work.

Many of your research experiences have been facilitated by Assistant Professor Kurt Schab. What kind of impact did that have on your time in Santa Clara? Dr. Schab knows a lot about everything. Learn so much just by talking to him. What I really like about him is that he’s practical and practical. He’s an expert in theory, but also really good with experiments. His lessons are by far the best I’ve ever had. It covers complicated theoretical topics and makes them easy to understand. It’s really challenging to look beyond math. Not just how we solve a problem, but explain why we solve a problem.

In addition to your research in engineering, you also play the violin. How did you participate in the music program? Playing in the orchestra has been a big part of my time here. I’ve been playing the violin since fifth grade, so it’s 12-14 years old now. With the neighborhood system in Santa Clara you have defined a lot of freedom with the classes you take. We know that a lot of music programs are much more competitive, so it would be harder to do. So I’m really grateful to have that outlet.

Tyler Ikehara performs with the SCU Orchestra as part of the Competition and Air Competition. Photo by Adam Hays

Playing the violin can be cruel, at times. You have to practice a lot and sometimes the practice does not go as you want. But when it goes well, it feels really good. You’re really putting yourself out there. Put all your emotions into your game and it’s revealing and it’s really satisfying. It’s different.

This past March, I had the opportunity to sing solo with the SCU Orchestra as part of the Concert and Air Competition. I played one of my favorite pieces, the second movement of Max Bruch’s Violin Concerto No.1. It was definitely a new experience for me and it really pushed me out of my comfort zone. With engineering you really try to solve problems, so you don’t necessarily involve emotions, I say. However, it is the combination of all these experiences that has helped me train in the person I am today and I am so happy to be able to be a student in SCU.

Unsourced material can be challenged and eliminated. The Denver Post is a newspaper and website published in Denver, Colorado. As of March 2016, it has an average traffic of 134,537 on weekdays and Sunday traffic of 253,261.

Is the Denver Post still in business?

The News, which was founded in 1859 and is the oldest continuously operating business in the city of Denver – and the second oldest in Colorado – was acquired by Scripps in 1926. The Post was founded in 1892 and acquired by MediaNews in 1987. This may interest you : Choosing the right radio solution provider for your application. has a daily circulation of 446,465 and 552,085 on Sundays.

How many employees does the Denver Post have? Denver Post LLC has 1,700 total employees in all locations and generates $ 385.82 million in sales (USD).

What is the circulation of The Denver Post?

The Denver Post has an average daily traffic of about 416,000 a week and its website receives nearly two million page views every day. To see also : France, African leaders push to redirect $100 bln in IMF SDR reserves by October.

What is the largest newspaper in Colorado?

The Denver Post is the largest and most widely circulated newspaper in Colorado. It serves more than 720,000 people living in the state capital Denver and the surrounding areas.

Is The Denver Post still in business?

The Post moved from downtown Denver to the paper press out of town earlier this year. This was the beginning of a series of devastating cuts that now leave the Post at risk of closing its doors permanently. This is not your average story of “local journalism is a failed business”.

How many people read The Denver Post?

The News has a daily circulation of 446,465 and 552,085 on Sundays. The Post has a daily circulation of 413,730 and 558,560 on Sundays. Founded in 1859 by William Byers, the Denver Rocky Mountain News is the second oldest company in Colorado and the oldest newspaper in the state.

What is the main newspaper in Denver Colorado?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment. On the same subject : VHF Software Defined Radio Market Size 2021-2027.

What is the largest newspaper in Colorado?

The Denver Post is the largest and most widely circulated newspaper in Colorado. It serves more than 720,000 people living in the state capital Denver and the surrounding areas.

What kind of paper is the Denver Gazette?

Reen describes the Denver Gazette as “a daily, digital, interactive newspaper.

What is Colorado’s oldest newspaper?

The Rocky Mountain News (RMN) was Colorado’s oldest newspaper.

How many people read The Denver Post?

The News has a daily circulation of 446,465 and 552,085 on Sundays. The Post has a daily circulation of 413,730 and 558,560 on Sundays. Founded in 1859 by William Byers, the Denver Rocky Mountain News is the second oldest company in Colorado and the oldest newspaper in the state.

What is the largest newspaper in Colorado?

The Denver Post is the largest and most widely circulated newspaper in Colorado. It serves more than 720,000 people living in the state capital Denver and the surrounding areas.

What is the main newspaper in Colorado?

The largest newspaper by circulation is DENVER POST and the city of service is DENVER. The smallest newspaper in the state of Colorado is TRANSCRIPT OF QUORN and the city of circulation is COLORADO SPRINGS.

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What is the main newspaper in Denver Colorado?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment.

What is the main newspaper in Colorado? The largest newspaper by circulation is DENVER POST and the city of service is DENVER. The smallest newspaper in the state of Colorado is TRANSCRIPT OF QUORN and the city of circulation is COLORADO SPRINGS.

What kind of paper is the Denver Gazette?

Reen describes the Denver Gazette as “a daily, digital, interactive newspaper.

What is Denver Gazette?

Denver Gazette, an interactive newspaper, launched in September. The Denver Gazette, a sister document to the Gazette in Colorado Springs, will be an online-only newspaper with a new issue published daily.

What kind of newspaper is The Denver Post?

The front page of the May 2, 2011 issue of the Denver Post, with a headline reporting the assassination of Osama bin Laden.
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner (s)The first digital media
PublisherLee Ann Colacioppo

What is Colorado’s oldest newspaper?

The Rocky Mountain News (RMN) was Colorado’s oldest newspaper.

What is the main newspaper in Boulder Colorado?

Boulder – The Denver Post.

What was the first newspaper in Colorado?

The Rocky Mountain News, known locally as Rocky, was a daily newspaper published in Denver, Colo. Founded in 1859, the Rocky Mountain News was Colorado’s first newspaper.

What is the main Denver newspaper?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment.

What is the largest newspaper in Colorado?

The Denver Post is the largest and most widely circulated newspaper in Colorado. It serves more than 720,000 people living in the state capital Denver and the surrounding areas.

Is The Denver Post a real newspaper?

The Denver Post is a newspaper and website published in Denver, Colorado. As of March 2016, it has an average traffic of 134,537 on weekdays and Sunday traffic of 253,261.

What is the name of the newspaper in Denver Colorado?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment.

How many newspapers are in Colorado?

This is a list of newspapers in Colorado. According to the Library of Congress, more than 2,500 newspapers have been published in Colorado.

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How do I change my Denver Post subscription?

You can unsubscribe or change your subscription at any time by calling Member Services at 303-832-3232. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing period.

How many people subscribe to the Denver Post? The Denver Post reaches more than 6 million unique visitors per month and provides news about the government, neighborhoods, cities, and people in Denver and the state of Colorado.

Can I cancel my Denver Post subscription online?

You can also visit for more information or to manage your account. Q: What is your cancellation and refund policy? You can unsubscribe or change your subscription at any time by calling Member Services at 303-832-3232.

How do I contact The Denver Post?

Denver Post Customer Service Contact Information. Phone: (303) 832-3232.

How much is an online subscription to The Denver Post?

After your free trial, you will be charged $ 5.00 for the first 3 months of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $ 5.99 per month until you cancel.

How much does the Sunday Denver Post cost?

$ 35 for a 20-week subscription to “The Sunday Denver Post” and a $ 15 King Soopers Gift Card ($ 55 value)

Who owns Denver Post?

MediaNews bought The Denver Post from the Times Mirror Co. on December 1, 1987. The Times Mirror bought the paper from the heirs of founder Frederick Gilmer Bonfils in 1980. Since 2010, the Denver Post has owned the hedge fund Alden Global Capital. which acquired its bankrupt parent company, MediaNews Group.

Is it the Denver Post or Denver Post?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment.

Is it the Denver Post or Denver Post?

The Denver Post – Colorado latest news, sports, business, weather, entertainment.

How old is The Denver Post?

The Denver Post is a nine-time Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper that has covered the Rocky Mountain Empire since 1892.

How much is The Denver Post?

After your free trial, you will be charged $ 5.00 for the first 3 months of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $ 5.99 per month until you cancel.

Who owns Denver Post?

A sign from a rally against the Denver Post property, Alden Global Capital, in May 2018. Former Post journalists created The Colorado Sun that year; Now the Sun has acquired two dozen Denver suburban documents.

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Is The Denver Post free?

Q: Why does the Denver Post require a digital access subscription? The costs associated with creating unique and original news content are significant. In recent years, we have made much of our work available online at no cost.

How Much is a Denver Post in a Building? Readers who buy the Denver Post a copy at the moment should better start accumulating in those neighborhoods. The newspaper announced Wednesday that the price for its weekday and Saturday editions will jump from 50 cents to 75 cents from Monday. The Sunday Post will continue to cost $ 1.50 in the subway area.

Does The Denver Post deliver?

In most areas, the card will be shipped by 6:00 AM on weekdays, 7:00 AM on Saturdays, and 7:00 AM on Sundays.

How much does The Denver Post cost?

After your free trial, you will be charged $ 5.00 for the first 3 months of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $ 5.99 per month until you cancel.

Is The Denver Post still printed?

The Denver Post is a newspaper and website published in Denver, Colorado. As of March 2016, it has an average traffic of 134,537 on weekdays and Sunday traffic of 253,261.

How much is Denver Post Digital?

Unlimited Digital Access – $ 2 for 6 months Automatically renews. Delete at any time.

How much is Denver Post?

DENVER, Colorado – Starting Monday, a single copy of The Denver Post for Monday through Saturday editions will cost 75 cents instead of 50 cents. Subscribers will not be affected by the change.

How much does the Sunday Denver Post cost?

$ 35 for a 20-week subscription to “The Sunday Denver Post” and a $ 15 King Soopers Gift Card ($ 55 value)

How much is digital subscription to Denver Post?

After your free trial, you will be charged $ 5.00 for the first 3 months of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $ 5.99 per month until you cancel.

How much does Denver Post cost?

After your free trial, you will be charged $ 5.00 for the first 3 months of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $ 5.99 per month until you cancel.

How much does the Sunday Denver Post cost?

$ 35 for a 20-week subscription to “The Sunday Denver Post” and a $ 15 King Soopers Gift Card ($ 55 value)

Who owns the Boston Herald?

Covered February 3, 2013
Owner (s)The first digital media
PublisherKevin Corrado
PublisherJoe Dwinell

Who owns the Boston Herald?

Who is the publisher of Boston Herald?

The Boston Herald was founded in 1846, when it was published as a two-sided sheet of paper sold for one hundred. The paper is owned by Herald Media Inc. and established an online division in 1995.

Where is the Boston Herald printed?

The Boston Herald is now printed in Providence, which means our loyal customers can expect a more user-friendly document.

Who prints the Boston Herald?

Boston Globe to print and supply the Boston Herald – The so-called historic agreement says Boston Globe union employees will print and supply copies of the Globe’s rival, the Boston Herald, beginning when the Herald completes its move. , scheduled for two weeks, in new offices in the city’s Port District.

Who published the Boston newspaper?

Three hundred years ago, on April 24, 1704, John Campbell, the Boston post, published the first issue of the Boston News-Letter. A small single sheet, printed on both sides, the News-Letter made history as the first permanently published newspaper in America.

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