Airborne SDR demo shows DoD adaptable, flexible battlefield comms


01 August 2019

Lisa Daigle

Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Military embedded systems

Airborne SDR demonstration showcases adaptive, flexible communications on the DoD battlefield

Apache helicopter image courtesy of Collins Aerospace.

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa. Collins Aerospace Systems recently demonstrated to the US Department of Defense (DoD) its new TruNet AR-2000 dual-channel, software-defined network airborne radio.

According to the company, Software Defined Radio (SDR) allows the radio to support existing waveforms such as the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) and adapt to the changing battlefield threat environment by incorporating new waveforms such as appear. To see also : TwinRX mil-std software defined radio.

The AR-2000 – which uses dual internal power amplifiers – meets, the company says, the reduced size, weight and power (SWaP) requirements for such target platforms as tactical helicopters, command and control (C2) aircraft and larger unmanned aerial vehicles.

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