Rohde & Schwarz – Naval Technology

For more than 30 years, Rohde & Schwarz has been equipping naval platforms around the world with integrated communication systems (ICS).

Today’s warships are equipped with state-of-the-art command centers, including sophisticated on-board and on-board communication facilities. These communication systems must ensure reliable, jam-resistant and encrypted exchange of information, especially in the event of a military emergency.

Interoperability continues to play a key role, not just between different branches of a country’s armed forces. This is also a prerequisite for joint operations and Partnership for Peace (PfP) missions. As network-oriented operations become more important, there is a growing demand for standardized protocols for voice and data communication and for advanced software-defined radio stations (SDRs). In particular, military communications are increasingly important for the success of the mission.

Simultaneous radio channels without interference

One of the technical challenges facing the ship’s communication infrastructure is the need for simultaneous and stable use of all radio channels on board without interference. To see also : UK MoD selects L3Harris SDR with Special Forces among likely users.

Rohde & Schwarz has decades of experience in naval communications. As a system integrator, the company offers impressive single-source communication solutions for modern naval applications. These solutions meet complex requirements and provide exceptional reliability to ensure the superiority of information in all types of scenarios.

Rohde & Schwarz offers the following:

  • System solutions for all naval platforms
  • Solutions for combined and joint missions
  • Secure communications via TRANSEC / COMSEC
  • IP on board, on the ground and in the air
  • Complete systems with one source
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Integrated Communication Systems (ICS)

Rohde & Schwarz provides highly scalable ICS solutions covering systems for all classes of naval ships – from light aircraft carriers (CVL) and amphibious support ships (LPD, LPH, etc. To see also : Design Considerations for High-Throughput SDR Systems.) to large (command) frigates and corvettes, fast attack vessels (FAC), offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) and coastal patrol vessels (IPVs) to small, fast interceptors (RHIBs).

RHIBs are usually equipped with only one radio line, which is used for both voice communication and data. Information exchange capabilities allow units to report on their own position and situation and receive target data – describing the position, path and speed of the target – from the mother ship. However, larger ships with multiple lines of communication need a digital communications network (DCN) to serve as a backbone for both internal and external communications and to manage dynamically switched communications circuits in accordance with mission requirements, i.e. “Functional circuits” from receiver / source to antenna.

Modern naval communication scenarios are based on large-scale networks at sea as well as on shore. To meet these requirements, Rohde & Schwarz provides solutions for coastal stations and terrestrial communications networks that are fully integrated with naval radio communications.

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Customized voice and data communication solutions

To ensure network operations, today’s fleet needs applications for secure information exchange. The customized solutions offered by Rohde & Schwarz meet the specific requirements of today’s navy. To see also : Analog Devices Launches High Dynamic Range RF Transceiver for Challenging Mission-Critical Communications Applications. Such requirements range from simple chat applications sufficient for small boats to a distributed national military communications processing system that integrates the entire fleet into a single, homogeneous communication infrastructure.

R&S Postman III, a third-generation radio communications system for state-of-the-art IP-based data transfer, offers key applications such as email, chat, file transfer and blue power tracking.

R&S MMHS is a military message processing system in accordance with NATO’s STANAG 4406 standard. It is an all-in-one solution for communications using wired LAN / WAN infrastructure as well as radio networks.

The R&S STANAG 5066 is a communications solution for stable, highly secure data exchange using high-frequency radio networks, enabling interoperable communications within allied and allied forces. It supports data exchange via email, chat, fax and IP-based applications.

R&S SIMCOS II manages on-board communication equipment for internal and external information exchange. It supports various applications by creating local functional circuits, consisting mainly of radios, modems, crypto devices and antennas for voice communications and data. The process of continuous monitoring ensures the overall condition of the radio operator’s system.

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Software defined voice and data radios

All VHF / UHF radios R&S M3SR Series4400 for line of sight communications and HF radios R&S M3SR Series4100 for out-of-range work are fully integrated into integrated communication solutions. In this way, Rohde & Schwarz offers solutions for naval communication scenarios, such as shore-to-ship, ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship.

Rohde & Schwarz radios can transmit data using various COMSEC and TRANSEC processes. Standardized waveforms, such as those defined in accordance with NATO’s HF House concept, are integrated. In the VHF / UHF range, in addition to HAVE QUICK I / II and SATURN, there are also R&S SECOS and R&S SECOM-V. These waveforms, developed by Rohde & Schwarz, allow encrypted and secure data transmission.

About Rohde & Schwarz

For almost 80 years, Rohde & Schwarz has been offering innovation, precision and quality in the wireless communications sector. In the fiscal year from July 2012 to June 2013, Rohde & Schwarz generated net revenues of EUR 1.9 billion. The company has a fine sales and service network offering local services in more than 70 countries around the world.

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