Harris to deliver MUOS SATCOM upgrades for USMC’s manpack radios


January 14, 2019

Harris will supply MUOS SATCOM upgrades for USMC handheld radios

Photo by Harris

ROCHESTER, NY Marine Corps. (USMC) Officials have placed a $75 million contract with Harris Corp. to supply narrowband satellite communications (SATCOM) for Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) upgrades for the service’s Falcon III AN/PRC-117G radio fleet.

The order is part of the Navy’s portable radio program five-year contract with IDIQ received in 2017. The MUOS software upgrade will allow Marines to access the new, advanced MUOS satellite constellation, which provides next-generation satellite communications that allow them to talk and more easily share data anywhere in the world.

In addition to the MUOS upgrades, Harris will supply auxiliaries for the AN/PRC-117G radios currently in use by the USMC. On the same subject : TDB Capacitors – Rugged Design In A Compact Package. These include antennas that allow Harris radios to keep SATCOM on the move while linked to the MUOS satellites.

The AN/PRC-117G MUOS software upgrade will also provide Marines with more SATCOM users, improved voice and data communications, and resiliency in the rugged environments they operate in, such as urban and high/low latitude locations .

“Adding this capability to the 117G will enable Marines to use the proven radios they already have, fielded, and trained with to access the expanded capabilities and capabilities of MUOS satellites with a simple software upgrade.” , says Dana Mehnert, president of Harris Communications Systems. “The MUOS upgrade will also enable interoperability with other US DoD and allied users deploying this advanced capability in the future.”

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