Snake bites man in genitals while he is sitting on the throne
Lester Kiwitt interviewed Barbara Friedman about this and other current stories from across the web.
This is my worst nightmare!
Lester Kiwitt, host – CapeTalk
Python bit a man in the genitals while doing his business in the toilet.
The Austrian described a “sensation of pinching in the genital area” just as he sat on the toilet, noticing the 1.6-meter snake looking at him from inside the bowl.
The snake escaped from the house of its neighbor, which he shared with 11 snakes.
A snake expert cleaned the snake and returned it to the owner.
Lester Kiwitt interviewed Barbara Friedman about this and other current stories from across the web (scroll up to listen – go to 2:38).
The 65-year-old sat on his toilet, felt his genitals pinch, looked down, and saw a five-foot albino python staring at him.
Barbara Friedman, presenter – Barb’s Wire
He was treated for minor injuries … The snake is fine, they cleaned it …
Barbara Friedman, presenter – Barb’s Wire
It is unclear whether charges will be filed.
Barbara Friedman, presenter – Barb’s Wire
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