Software Defined Radio Hack Chat
If you’ve been into hobby electronics for even a short time, chances are you have at least one software-defined radio. From cheap switches originally designed for watching digital TV on a laptop, to specially designed transmittable radios such as HackRF, SDR has opened up many experiments with radio frequencies. Prior to SDR, any range or mode change will require new hardware; today, turning a new project is as simple as dragging and dropping a few blocks around the screen, and SDRs, which can observe huge chunks of the radio spectrum for the slightest signal, have been a boon to reverse engineers everywhere.
The corrosive is the handle of Harold Giddings, an amateur call sign KR0SIV, and he got into SDR in a big way. Between his blog, his YouTube channel, and his podcast, all flying under Signals everywhere banner, it covers the SDR community. Whether it’s satellite communications, aircraft tracking, radio amateurs or even listening to rail operations, Harold has tried everything and has a wealth of SDR wisdom to share. Join us as we discuss the state of the SDR ecosystem, which SDR to purchase for your app, and even how to transmit with SDR (hint: you’ll probably want to ham license.)
Click on this speech bubble on the right and you will be taken directly to the Hack Chat group on You don’t have to wait until Wednesday; join whenever you want and you can see what the community is talking about.
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