Ondas (ONDS) falls 1.17% to Close at $8.46 on October 25

Ondas Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: ONDS) fell to $ 8.46 on Monday after losing $ 0.1 (1.17%) on 527,581 shares. Shares ranged from a high of $ 8.77 to a low of $ 8.16, while Ondas now has a market capitalization of $ 343,541,337.

Regarding Ondas Holdings Inc

Ondas Holdings Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary Ondas Networks Inc., is a developer of privately licensed wireless data networks for critical industrial markets. The company designs and manufactures its multi-patented, software-defined radio (SDR) platform for mission-critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications. Ondas Networks’ end customers include utilities, oil and gas, transportation and government organizations, whose requirements cover a wide range of critical applications that require secure communications in large and diverse geographical areas, many of which are in challenging radio frequency environments. Customers use the company’s SDR technology to deploy their own privately licensed broadband wireless networks. The company also offers mission-critical sites the option of a managed network service. Ondas Networks’ SDR technology supports IEEE 802.16s, the new global standard for privately licensed large-scale industrial networks.

Visit The profile of Ondas Holdings Inc For more information.

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Stellantis and Samsung SDI set up a joint venture for batteries for electric vehicles On the same subject : Broadcast Scheduling Software Market Size To Reach $4.06 Billion By 2028: Grand View Research, Inc..

Automaker Stellantis NV (NYSE: STLA) set up a joint venture with South Korean battery maker Samsung SDI to manufacture electric vehicle batteries for its North American car assembly plants.

On Friday, Stellantis, which lists Jeep, Dodge, Ram and Chrysler among its brands, said it was reviewing locations for a future lithium-ion battery plant and aims to start operating by the first half of 2025. The new facility will have an initial annual production capacity of 23 gigawatt hours with the possibility of increasing to 40 gigawatt hours in the future, the companies said.


Hertz orders 100,000 Tesla Model 3 vehicles; The first step towards electrification of the fleet

Hertz Global Holdings Inc (OTC: CNTB) place an order for 100,000 Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) electric cars, the first step in the car rental company’s plan to electrify its fleet of half a million cars.

From the beginning of November, the Florida-based company will offer compact Tesla Model 3 cars for rent at airports and neighborhoods in major US markets and some European cities, Hertz said on Monday.


California offers a buffer zone for oil and gas drilling around communities

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed a nationwide ban on oil and gas drilling within 3,200 feet of homes, schools and hospitals to protect public health and continue his goal of fighting climate change.

The draft rules, published last week by the state oil regulator California, the Department of Geological Energy Management (CalGEM), aim to create the largest buffer zone in the country. Existing wells in these backward areas will not be banned, but are subject to stricter regulation.


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About the Nasdaq stock market

The Nasdaq stock market is a world leader in data and service trading, as well as in the listing of stocks and options. To see also : Northrop Grumman to upgrade E-2D airborne radio with MUOS SATCOM secure UHF communications capability – Military & Aerospace Electronics. Nasdaq is the world’s leading stock exchange for options and is home to the five largest US companies – Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook.

To get more information about Ondas Holdings Inc and to follow the latest company updates, you can visit the company profile page here: The profile of Ondas Holdings Inc. For more news on the financial markets, be sure to visit Stock news. Also, be sure to sign up for Daily Fix to receive the best stories in your inbox 5 days a week.

Sources: The chart was provided by TradingView based on a 15-minute price delay. All other data is provided by IEX Cloud at 20:05 ET on the day of publication.

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