Twitter joins Democrats to boost mail-in voting — here’s why
The first-ever Twitter fact check President TrumpDonald TrumpMegan McCain: Democrats “need to give some credit” to Trump for COVID-19 vaccine Trump, who is testing the king, warns that blocking could be on the table if people are not vaccinated One-night healthcare: CDC details Massachusetts outbreak that triggered mask update | White House says national vaccine mandate “not currently being considered” MORE ▼ infuriated Republicans – and rightly so. Efforts to “correct” the president’s message about the postal vote, echoing Democrats’ debate, are indisputable proof of the social media left’s bias, which has angered conservatives for years.
But while many focus on the new and unwanted censorship of Twitter, they ignore the more important questions that need to be asked: Why this problem? Why now?
Twitter attached a footnote to two tweets from the president, which proceeded as follows: “THERE IS NO WAY (ZERO!) That postal ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mailboxes will be looted, ballots will be forged and even illegally printed and fraudulently signed. The governor of California sends ballots to millions of people, each ….. ”
“Living in the state, no matter who they are and how they got there, they will get one. This will be followed by professionals who tell all these people, many of whom have never thought to vote before, how and for whom to vote. This will be a rigged election. No way!”
Twitter added a notification to both segments: “! Get the facts about newsletters in the mail. “If readers click on this newsletter, they will be directed to brief comments refuting Trump’s allegations, including this line: ‘These allegations are unfounded, according to CNN, the Washington Post and others. Experts say mail-in newsletters are very rarely linked.’ with voter fraud.
Why would Twitter raise its flag on this issue? Why risk infuriating President Trump and his 80.4 million followers, even when Twitter and other social media companies face increased scrutiny by Congress and users on privacy and antitrust issues?
Because, to quote Rolling Stone“Democrats need a huge, if not record, turnout in November to get Donald Trump out of the White House.
And since this will not happen with Joe BidenJoe BidenCDC chief clarifies comments on vaccine: “There will be no mandate across the country” One-Night Defense: First Group of Evacuated Afghans Arrives in Virginia | Biden Signs Capitol Security Funding Bill Reimburses Guard | The Pentagon raises the level of health protection weeks after lowering it Biden called on local authorities to prevent evictions MORE ▼, and especially Joe Biden in the basement, leading the ticket.
Even before he was quarantined at home, Biden faced a huge “gap of enthusiasm” compared to Trump. According to one ABC News / Washington Post Poll a few months ago, only 24 percent of Biden’s supporters described themselves as strong supporters of the candidate, the lowest registered for a Democratic contender in two decades. In contrast, 53% of those planning to vote for Trump were “very enthusiastic.”
In order to have any chance of winning in November, Democrats need to overcome this deficit of enthusiasm and get uninspired people to vote. The best way to do this is to ease the process by allowing mail and flood voting communities with ballots that can be rounded up and delivered by Democratic soldiers.
COVID-19 gave Democrats an unexpected opportunity to push this approach. They may insist that elderly or sick people who are afraid of infection should not have to endure a polling place, but instead be able to participate by mail. This argument, which has some merits, was confirmed in the main season.
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has tried to cancel personal voting during his country’s primary election and extend the absentee ballot by warning that polling stations will not be able to protect people. Rat-smelling Republicans were tried. Wisconsin Supreme Court revoked his writ of executionand the election went according to plan.
Subsequently, there were no indications of a personal vote he had made someone sick, despite all the frantic alarms.
Democrats will continue to push for a postal vote, saying there are few cases of fraud. But Trump is right that postal voting opens the door to collecting ballots, which is allowed in 24 states, and other measures in which activists take advantage of the inevitable confusion created by the millions of paper ballots carried in the mail.
We saw how efficient collecting ballots it could be for Democrats. California passed a law in 2016 for the first time allowing anyone other than a family member or someone living in the same household to leave or “pick up” the ballot. In the 2018 election, seven candidates from the Republican Chamber led on election night, but gradually saw their lead shrink as mail-in ballots surfaced in the following weeks; all seven are lost. The speaker at the time Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanRealClearPolitics reporter says Freedom Freedom faction shows how much the GP has changed under Trump Juan Williams: Biden’s children’s tax credit changes the game Trump’s clash ahead: Ron Desantis positions himself as the future of the Republican Party in a direct mail MORE ▼ (R-Wis.) Said the result “Challenging logic”, and he was right.
The Chronicle of San Francisco quotes Fred Whitaker, chairman of the District Republican Party, saying that in Orange County, “the number of votes cast on election day is unprecedented – over 250,000. This is a direct result of the collection of ballots allowed for the first time under California law. This directly led to the transition from promotion on election night to a loss two weeks later. “
California is not the only place, and the Democrats are not the only party to manipulate mail voting. A Republican was arrested on charges of election fraud, including illegal ballot collection, in the 9th North Carolina Convention Center in 2018, and the election results were overturned.
The Democrats’ result for the Democrats was so satisfying that it inspired the Democrat governor Gavin NewsomGavin NewsomBiden rolls the dice, becoming more aggressive toward vaccines California Democrats warn of low voter turnout Western governors are asking Biden for help with the fires MORE ▼ to recently order the sending of 2020 ballots to all registered voters. Chairman of the Republican National Committee Ron McDaniel
Ron Romney McDanielThe former Detroit police chief is taking a step toward governing the governors Whitmer has raised 0.5 million so far in 2021. The former adviser to Trump’s election campaign is leaving the GOP in protest MORE ▼ recently said in an interview, “Los Angeles County alone has 1.5 million more registered voters than there are adults in the state.” This is a staggering number and a great reason to worry about the potential for fraud.
Although California officials have now reluctantly agreed to remove “inactive voters” from the lists that will receive ballots, McDaniel claims“Now they have to clear their active lists because 5% of the voters in Imperial, Fresno and LA counties are dead or moving.”
McDaniel added that although the California Secretary of State “recognizes the importance of verifying the signature … National Democratic groups are suing to remove these measures in states across the country.”
Democrats will stop at nothing to defeat Donald Trump. But attempts to undermine the integrity of our elections will only gather his supporters by nullifying their efforts.
Twitter, which helps them, will do the same.
Liz Peak is a former partner of the large Wall Street company Wertheim & Company. Follow her on Twitter @lizpeek.
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