Ondas (ONDS) falls 3.87% on Moderate Volume September 14

Ondas Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: ONDS) fell to a close of $ 7.21 on Tuesday after losing $ 0.29 (3.87%) in a volume of 360,211 shares. Shares ranged from a maximum of $ 7.60 to a minimum of $ 7.12, while Ondas now has a market capitalization of $ 285,998,248.

About Ondas Holdings Inc.

Ondas Holdings Inc., through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Ondas Networks Inc., is a developer of privately licensed wireless data networks for critical industrial markets. The company designs and manufactures its multi-patented, software-defined radio (SDR) application platform for mission-critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications. Ondas Networks’ end customers include utilities, oil and gas, transportation and government, whose requirements cover a wide range of critical applications that require secure communication in large and diverse geographical areas, many of which are in challenging radio frequency environments. Customers use the Company’s SDR technology to deploy their own privately licensed broadband wireless networks. The company also offers critical entities the ability to manage a network service. Ondas Networks’ SDR technology supports IEEE 802.16s, the new global standard for privately licensed industrial networks in a wide range.

Visit The profile of Ondas Holdings Inc. For more information.

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Sources: The chart is provided by TradingView based on 15-minute delayed prices. All other data is provided by IEX Cloud at 20:05 ET on the day of publication.

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