KrakenSDR, a Phase-Coherent SDR for Passive Radar and RF Transmitter Localization – EEJournal

October 22, 2021

Newly launched by Crowd Supply: KrakenSDR, phase-coherent SDR for passive radar and RF transmitter localization

October 21, 2021 – Supply the crowd, the leading product development platform that connects hardware developers with early users and enthusiastic supporters, announces the launch of KrakenSDR, phase coherent software defined radio (SDR), including five channels and hardware for automatic calibration. KrakenSDR offers a 4.5V deviation tee on each port, allowing easy interfaces with external devices. With built-in coherent synchronization, KrakenSDR supports a number of applications, including beamforming, passive radar and radio targeting.

KrakenSDR, developed by KrakenRF and launched with the support of Crowd Supply, features a low-noise design and a robust, CNC-milled body. Building on the previous KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR added automatic calibration and tracking of periodic signals to the core of the KerberosSDR software. Designed to run on the Raspberry Pi 4, KrakenSDR’s core DSP software is open source, while its Android direction finding software is free for non-commercial use. KrakenSDR is suitable for use by both amateurs and professionals, helping astronomers increase image resolution and allowing RF engineers to locate sources of illicit radiation.

To learn more about KrakenSDR, visit / krakensdr.

About Crowd Supply
Crowd Supply is the only product development platform that offers engineers and companies a full range of services to successfully launch their innovative products, including marketing, execution, group financing and ongoing sales through distributors. The creator-focused platform connects supporters with exciting projects that meet the needs of the market, allowing developers to quickly validate their ideas and transform the interest of early users into manufactured products. With a commitment to consumer rights and a laser focus on successful delivery, Crowd Supply is the future of product development. For more information visit

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