Hyderabad Hams Develops Low-Cost Transverter for QO-100 Satellite

A group of radio amateurs in the city are literally raising waves after they managed to design and test low-cost equipment that could help Hams communicate via the QO-100 geosynchronous satellite. In what will surely change the game for the amateur radio community, five Hyderabad-based Ham operators have made prototypes of up and down converters for the QO-100 satellite. The use of this equipment would allow any Ham operator to practice satellite communication, which would have forced them to invest large sums so far.

Usually, one has to use the receiver with a software-defined radio (SDR) only to listen to the conversations that take place on the satellite, or to use a transceiver for communication. These receivers or transceivers are expensive and branded equipment can cost more than varnish. The team of Hyderabad from Ham operators, experienced in home brewing, have designed a functional converter down, converter up and successfully use them to make QSOs (conversations) with other Hams.

Information about QO-100 100 satellites

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