Cubic Wins US Air Force Contract to Miniaturize Small Form Factor Software Definable Radio
SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS LIFE) –Cubic Corporation announced today that its Cubic Missions and Efficiency Solutions Unit (CMPS) has received an order for a small-scale (SFF) Radio Phase 2 task worth more than $ 10 million from the United States Air Force (USAF) Data Links Enterprise ( DLE) indefinite delivery / unspecified quantity contract (ID / IQ). Cubic will develop two prototype variants, SFF Software Identifiable Radio (SDR) for dismantled military fighter and generic 3U VPX (OMS / OCS) 3U VPX Air Data Terminal (ADT) with the ability to exchange multiple types of information and formats, including Full Motion Video.
“Cubic’s innovative and high-performance offering features a new protected waveform that uniquely meets the Air Force’s needs for air-to-ground communications without compromising the safety of combatants,” said Mike Knowles, president of Cubic Mission and Performance. Solutions. “We are pleased to have been selected to support small-scale radio, Phase 2. This opportunity is enhanced by the successful work we have done in previous Air Force development efforts.”
As an industry leader in secure communications, Cubic’s product portfolio includes Multimodem Transceiver (MMT) and Nanodemode Transceiver (nMT) Software Defined Radios (SDR); Halo ™ software antenna; and Merlin™ Protected waveform. Using its expertise in secure communications solutions, Cubic will develop and demonstrate leading-edge capability for USAF with significant size, weight, power and cost reduction (SWAP-C).
About Cubic Corporation
Cubic is a market-leading provider of integrated solutions that enhance situational understanding of C4ISR transportation, defense, and train customers around the world to reduce congestion in cities and improve military efficiency and operational readiness. Our teams innovate to make a positive difference in people’s lives. We simplify their daily travels. We promote the success and security of the mission for those who serve their nation. For more information on Cubic, please visit or on Twitter @CubicCorp.
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