FCC Fines Hobby King Almost $3 Million For Illegal Drone Transmitters
Nowadays, we take wireless devices for granted and it is easy to forget that the use of the air is subject to state control – the FCC in the United States. HobbyKing received a sharp reminder when The FCC imposed a fine of nearly $ 3 million for a company selling uncertified drone transmitters.
It was hardly a surprise, though. The FCC has been pursuing these non-compliant transmitters for some time and issued a notice of obvious liability to the company as early as 2018, and the investigation goes back to 2016. Problems include sales of radios that are on unauthorized frequencies, radios higher than legal output power and sale of radio stations that are not accepted by the type.
Ham radio operators can buy and use radios that are not type-approved, probably because they have the technical know-how to operate them without interference. But other types of radios need to accept the type.
According to the FCC, “In its response to NAL, HobbyKing does not dispute that it markets devices without equipment certificates or that it has not fully responded to the Bureau. Instead, HobbyKing raised several unconvincing legal challenges. “
The FCC is stalking people production of these transmitters, too. If you are thinking of making a transmitter, you may want to consider it on certification.
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